Join our church November 24th at 5:30pm at the Flat Rock Meijer for our annual Church Has Left The Building Event where we shop to support our Helping Hands Food Pantry for the holidays. Once you’ve finished shopping you may return to the sanctuary for worship and a special blessing over the items donated. Don’t forget to wear your CLC shirt! If you don’t have one, we have a small selection available by the mailboxes for you to take. Donations from St Paul will be picked up on Friday November 26th. Please contact Judith Watkins to volunteer to help with pick up.
- Boxed Mashed Potatoes
- Turkey Gravy
- Canned Cranberry Sauce
- Boxed Stuffing
- Pancake Mix
- Syrup
- Salad Dressing
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Grape Jelly
- Pork & Beans
- Hamburger Helper
- Canned Corn
- Canned Green Beans
- Canned Yams
- Cake Mix
- Frosting
- Hot Chocolate
- Jello or Pudding mix
- Candy Canes