CLC has had a rich history of caring for our brothers and sisters at the church. It began more than 25 years ago with a care and prayer staff employed at the church office. The caring ministry team was later moved to lay members in 2015 and overseen by a church staff member. The team reached out to those at our church in times of need and prayed for them over the last 6 years. We are so excited to have this ministry now growing and changing alongside our church. We have established Care and Prayer Ambassadors. We have a team of wonderful and loving people that reach out to members of our church family monthly. Many of the Ambassadors have been with us in various other ways or other ministries and there are also new faces with us as well. Our focus is to give active prayer and care to our church family. We celebrate life blessings, lift them up in prayer, and care for them in times of need. The Ambassadors meet bi-monthly to train, communicate, update and problem solve. We weave Holy Manners into our actions and discussions guided by church staff and a mentor couple for support. Currently, the Ambassadors are reaching out to church family who are unable to attend in person at this time. We are VERY EXCITED to announce our plan to expand very soon. Our goal is to have enough Ambassadors to reach every CLC member. We are a group of people with the heart for taking care of our church brothers and sisters so that we know one another’s needs. If you think this would be a great fit for you please let Mandi at the church office know. We would love to grow our Ambassador team.