June Voter’s Meeting
The Board of Directors have set a Voter’s Meeting for Monday, June 26 at
The Board of Directors have set a Voter’s Meeting for Monday, June 26 at
Our annual spring voter’s meeting will be held Sunday, May 21st, immediately following service
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday next Wednesday, February 22nd. Each week leading up to
Member Giving Envelopes are ready for pick up located outside the sanctuary in front
Please join us for a voter’s meeting Sunday December 4th immediately following service at
Our annual Poinsettia sale is here! If you would like to help beautify our
Monday, September 19th, 7:00pm. Here we will discuss the Dual Parrish meeting between CLC and Trinity as well as debrief the findings of the listening sessions. There will also be time for open discussion and questions.
Join the Golden Agers for a turkey dinner and entertainment September 22nd, 2022. Enjoy
PLAY BALL! Let’s get together with others from our Downriver Circuit Congregations for a