Mission - Vision - Values
Where God Leads
We Follow
To bring the Gospel to others and lead them to do the same.
To pursue our spiritual growth, which leads us to identify and meet the needs of our neighbors, so they become members of God’s family, growing in their faith.
Why are we doing it?
- Family: At Community everyone is family. You will feel comforted by the casual and welcoming atmosphere that fosters friendships whether you have been here for three seconds or thirty years. Galatians 6:10 & Leviticus 19:34
- Compassion: Compassion compels us to serve our church and community without expectation of return. We see the needs of others and each of us strive to fulfill those needs-physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Colossians 3:12, 1 Peter 3:8 & Luke 10:33
- Outreach: We go beyond ourselves into our community, meeting people where they are, delivering the saving message of Jesus Christ. It is God’s will that His church grow and His lost children be found. Mark 16:15 & Matthew 28:18-20
- Creativity: We are ready to do things differently to deliver the Gospel by any means. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
When are we successful?
- Worship: A disciple shows honor and reverence to God be receiving His gifts in worship, praising Him, encouraging other disciples, and living out their faith in day-to-day life. John 4:23-24 & Psalm 29:2
- Prayer: A disciple prays to God on their own, in church, with their family, friends, and with people they meet sharing requests, giving thanks and praise, and confessing, which builds trust and faith in Him. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 & Philippians 4:6
- Reading the Bible: A disciple embraces God’s grace, truth, and guidance through personal bible reading and meditation, home devotions and group Bible studies. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 & Psalm 119:105
- Sharing Jesus: A disciple’s mission is to share the Gospel at home and with neighbors through words and deeds. Matthew 5:16, Acts 4:20 & Mark 16:15-16
- Three Dimensional Generosity (Service, Financial, and Relational): A disciple mirrors God’s generosity through service, the giving of money, and cultivating healthy relationships with God, family, friends, and neighbors. 1 Peter 4:9-11 & Deuteronomy 16:17
Christ's Foundation
What We Believe: We Are
We believe in the one true God who reveals Himself in the Bible as triune, meaning He is one God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
When we rebel against God’s Word, it causes brokenness in all our relationships, including with God. But God loves us enough to heal that brokenness for us through the person and work of His Son, Jesus, true God and true man.
While all other religions teach that the goal of life is something we must know or do, the Bible teaches that we are known by God and that the work of salvation has already been done for us by Jesus.
Like Martin Luther, the 16th century monk who set out to reform the church, we believe that:
- People are saved only by the grace of God and not by works
- People receive that grace only by faith in Jesus and not by a secret teaching.
- God revealed this plan of salvation through the Bible and not by any special revelation unique to just one person.
We are affiliated with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, a group of churches who agree to ‘walk together’ (the meaning of Synod) with commonly held beliefs. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God inerrant and inspired, and is the source and norm of our faith. We hold the Lutheran Confessions to be a faithful exposition of Scripture and what we believe.