Wednesday Night Worship
Your Next Steps
Grow Together
Helping Hands
Latest Sermon Series
Winter 2024
Guided to the Cross
Lent is a season when we are guided to the cross. Throughout this holy time, we are drawn to Calvary to live in forgiveness, hope, love, peace, trust and perseverance. Each week, the services in this series reveal how Christ and his cross serve as examples for us of how to live our lives for and through our crucified Lord and Savior.
- Worship
- Sundays 9:00am
- Wednesdays 7:00pm
- Weekly Bible Studies
- Tuesdays 7:00pm
- Wednesdays 6:00pm
- Thursdays 12:00pm (Ladies Bible Study)
- Sundays 10:15am

Midweek Meal is every Wednesday during Lent starting March 5th, March 12th, March 19th, March 26th, April 2nd, & April 9th.

Sunday School
Sunday School (K-5), Confirmation, and High School will start back up on Sunday, September 29th after service

This Months Give Me 5
These items are greatly appreciated each and every month for the families of Flat Rock.

Board of Directors’ Meeting
Our next Board of Directors’ meeting will be Thursday, April 10th. at 7pm in the Community Room.

Knitting & Crocheting Group
The next Knitting & Crocheting Group meets April 5th. in the Community Room from 11am – 3pm.

Ladies Bible Study
Ladies, join Ms. Virginia (Ginny) Hamlett every Thursday at 12 noon in the Community Room for an

Creative Arts Ministry
Walk your kids over to our Sunday School Room (right next ot our Community Room) at 6pm
Our Next Event
Ash Wednesday Service
Come and join us Wednesday, March 5th. at 7pm service for Ash Wednesday. All are welcome.
Recent Events
A Heartfelt Thank You!
Busy Mom's Bible Study Podcast
Moms, we get it, finding time to do ANYTHING is a task in itself. We know that we have to put our faith first, which is why we created Busy Moms Bible Study. It’s a 10 minute podcast that you can listen to on the go for hope and inspiration. Come join us on Thursdays and listen to the word of God.